Batman: The Animated Series "Christmas with the Joker" Drawing (1992) - ID: jan24264

Batman: The Animated Series "Christmas with the Joker" Drawing (1992) - ID: jan24264 Warner Bros.




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Price: $250.00
SKU: jan24264

A story concept drawing from the Warner Bros. Studios production "Batman: The Animated Series" (1992-2001). Featuring a great early concept sketch of the Joker and Napoleon, the graphite drawing was created at the studio and used during the animation process. The imagery was created for the second episode of season one, titled "Christmas with the Joker," which aired on November 13, 1992. The episode introduced the Joker to the series, and it appears that some ideas of the introduction did not make the final cut. Measuring 13.5"x16.5" overall, with the character image measuring 7"x4.5", the drawing is in very good condition with minor discoloration, graphite smudges, staining, and a large vertical crease down the middle.

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